Thursday, October 30, 2014

Contest: World Cup Round-Up - Colombia, Perú, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Panama, El Salvador, Honduras, Egypt, Arabia, & Chile... and a little Ranting!

Ima put this out there right now. Some of these companies should be ashamed by how bad their online presence is. ASHAMED. The World Cup has been over for like 3 months now, however, 6 of these countries started World Cup contests and just never revealed who the winners were on their shared website. Peru, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Panama, El Salvador, and Honduras; they don't really have websites to begin with, but they launched a beautiful interactive site that was tracking the winners of each round of this contest. I kid you not, go on it right now, it's lovely but that damn site does not say who the winners are ( Guatemala and Peru at least have functioning Facebook pages, and with a little digging I found that they did in fact announce winners on those pages (albeit the announcement was 1 picture hidden away on the timelines). This has actually happened before with Lay's Dominicana, they announced a previous contest online and then never announced the winner... check it out on Facebook, as that page is still showing off pictures from that unresolved contest. Whoever is handling South America's online marketing just needs to get it together... FOR REAL. Go look at how Margarita from Colombia handles their business. Flawlessly, they maintain a nice website, update their Facebook, and interact via Twitter and Instagram. I don't understand how it's that hard for the others to simply update a website that they've already had built.

ok. So, let's talk about the contests that did have winners... and I apologize that it took SO long to share this info. I had really tried to be patient and 'round-up' all the winners in one post.

The only country from South America that actually announced their winner on their website was Colombia and their Margarita Chips. The winner was "Colombia Chorizo con Limon" (Chorizo and Lime). Voters chose to keep it Patriotic, and it's no surprise... Colombia had their most impressive World Cup EVER this year... plus the flavor sounds delish! This flavor is still available for a limited time in Colombia. Grab it while you can.

 Chipsy Egypt and Lay's Arabia shared their Flavor Cup and selected "Brazillian BBQ" as their winner. No surprise there. Not only does that sound yummy. But Brazil did an amazing job of hosting the World Cup and capturing the World's heart.

Chile also went Patriotic with their "Chile Enselada Chilena" and it sounds unique and tasty. I love a good acidic bag of chips. mmm.
Peru went Patriotic as well and chose "Peru Pollo a la Brasa" (Rotisserie Chicken). Can't complain, Chicken is da bomb! Good choice.

Guatemala  was swayed by flavor and chose "Suecia Queso con Especias" (Sweden Cheese with Spices). Can't go wrong with Cheese. Can't go wrong with Spices. The duo sounds awesome.

 Dominican Republic, Panama, El Salvador, and Honduras basically don't have any online presence, so if you know what flavors they ended up choosing, I'd love to know. Share it down below!

All the winners should still be available for a limited time in the Countries that conducted the contests. If you're interested in these, I'd say try to find them soon since like I said, this article is coming a bit late. AND If you're just curious and would like a reminder of what the other flavors were in this contest; click the "World Cup" tag at the end of this post.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Contest: Lay's USA Do Us A Flavor 2014 Winner Announced!

The votes are in! Great job America, you chose "Kettle Cooked Wasabi & Ginger" as your winner!
I really did not see that coming. I said this was a surprisingly delicious bag of chips... it made me a Wasabi Ginger believer, but I thought it stood NO chance of winning. I thought for sure "Bacon Mac & Cheese" had this locked up. So, its nice to see the bag that deserved the win came out on top (because somewhere inside i'm still bitter Chicken & Waffles didn't win, lol).
The winner was Meneko Spigner McBeth who took home $1 Million Dollars! Amazing. Congrats to her!! Not bad for a day's work.
So, enjoy the yummy new flavor America, and if you weren't a Wasabi Ginger lover, make sure you hoard whatever flavor was your favorite before it disappears FOREVER!

Contest: Walkers UK Do Us A Flavor Winner Revealed!

It wasn't really much of a fight, since Walkers decided to go all INSANE and have this flavor up against a Raccoon meat flavored bag... but Pulled Pork in Sticky BBQ Sauce has finally come out victorious. The flavor sounds delicious, and we are gonna try our hardest to get a hold of it, but until then, all I can say is good choice. And nice win for Paul Rothwell, whose homegrown flavor with Pork from Norfolk awarded him a nice One Million British Pounds. FANCY. Congrats Paul, and all the islanders who get to taste this treat.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Contest: Lay's Canada Do Us A Flavour 2014 Winner Announced!

Lay's Canada has come out and chosen it's victor. Randall Litman, who came up with the "Wavy Jalepeno Mac N Cheese" flavor has won, his new flavor will stay on shelves in Canada for at least the next year and he wins a nice prize of $50,000 CAD Plus 1% of bag sales. Fantastic! Congrats Randall! This flavor sounds great to me, and I've just been able to pick up a bag and give it a taste.. so review coming soon.
If you are in Canada, definitely give this bag a taste, OR track down the other Do Us A Flavour contestants and give them a taste quickly before they are gone for good.